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What is Competency Testing?

Competency Testing and Qualification is distinct from other certifications available in the arborist industry because it tests and documents the hand’s on competency of the candidate and provides documentation and validation that the candidate not only ‘knows’ the subject area, but is competent and qualified to perform the work in the applicable discipline.

Why would an organization want to provide competency testing for workers?

The content of each evaluation is influenced by the vast experience our trainers and professional associate experts encounter as they work with and train the varied segments of the arborist industry. Our tests undergo annual review by industry experts. The evaluation is administered by trained evaluators, who have been certified in the specific skills discipline and is performed in a standardized manner in a safe and secure environment.

Each person is individually evaluated. There is both a practical field test and a written question and answer requirement (open book style). Flexibility is given to individuals who struggle with reading and writing skills or have language barriers to answer the written questions with verbal replies.

Testing sheets include signatures of both the candidate and the evaluator, providing acknowledgement that the candidate understands the final result of the competency test.

Testing Methodology, Format and Application

The tests are graded using a standards based grading scale. This method is advantageous to employers and mangers in that it allows for the placement of crew members into job positions that meet their set of skills and knowledge. The practical test holds mandatory pass/fail items that require hand’s on demonstration of critical skills.

Sample Qualification Certificate, Wallet Cards and Sticker

Copies of the testing forms showing the evaluator comments and results are provided to managers and/or the corporate office (as requested) for each person tested. Expiry dates of 3 years are recommended, with a requirement for review training and retesting. This is an organizational decision that we allow our customers to be involved in making, and we will work with you on setting this expiration to match the standard operating procedures and requirements of your organization.

Each successful candidate receives the following:

  • Qualification Certificate

  • Technician Sticker

  • Wallet Card

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