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Comprehensive Tree Risk Management Qualification
Comprehensive Tree Risk Management Qualification
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Comprehensive Tree Risk Management Qualification

Length: 3-Day Module
Private Training: This course is available for private/custom course delivery for companies or organizations with a group of people that require training.
Virtual Classroom: See Training Schedule for upcoming virtual classroom courses.

This qualification course includes formal evaluation of competence. Students are evaluated on their practical understanding and ability to complete risk assessment forms and evaluated on answers to verbal and/or written questions to assess the theoretical synthesis of the curriculum.

Trees pose risks to property, amenities, the public and arborists. Modern tree workers and evaluators face a variety of risk challenges when preparing to work in trees. This tree risk assessment course provides education and training on the skills required to determine what and when there is a need to take action to mitigate these risks. This course includes training tree workers to plan their work and work their plan by introducing a field level assessment process or JSA (job safety analysis) based on the risks previously assessed and action items that came as a result. This course will bridge the gap between assessors, inspectors, and/or estimators and their recommendations with how to eliminate or reduce the risks with the workers who will be doing the work. The goal of this course is to ultimately reduce risks overall and maximize safety and productivity.

Participants are being trained in tree work risk management and individual tree risk assessment. Field level assessment commonly called ‘tailboard' is part of this competency-based course. Instruction will be given on what to consider when it comes to job or work site hazards, risks and methods to mitigate them using a checklist form. Considerations are given to zones, and changing work environments including naturalized work areas versus parks or urban work locations. Training on how to maximize teamwork and crew communication using the GAR model completes this portion of the course. The course also focuses on the skills needed to prepare people who inspect or evaluate individual trees for risks when certain red flags are identified such as cracks, cavities or rot. Training using a tree inspection form is used to help tree evaluators estimate the health and stability of trees by integrating biological, environmental and work risk factors. Tree biology, physiology and how trees interact with their environment (tree dynamics) will provide the basis for understanding how to examine trees critically from a structural failure perspective. Training and practice in field methods of work risk analysis, load testing and pull testing trees to determine strength of temporary anchors and examining root stability prior to commencing work is a part of this course.

Integrated Risk Assessment is unique in that you will learn typical risk assessment protocols for performing job safety analysis as well as how to inspect individual trees for risks. Blending of these safety protocols prepares workers to perform a comprehensive array of evaluative risk assessment strategies.


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Alberta Training Schedule

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Comprehensive Tree Risk Management Qualification

Ontario Training Schedule

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Comprehensive Tree Risk Management Qualification


I thoroughly enjoyed the Train the Trainer program. The information presented and the learning techniques were brought forward in a challenging, fun way. The course required us to step out of our comfort zone, but the rewards were fabulous. I would recommend this course for several reasons.

Arboriculture Canada Training & Education

Brad Luft

I learned about myself and the power of collective energy. I look forward to serving in this platoon but mostly I feel honored to have spent this past week with seven of the coolest trainers I've ever met.

Canadian Base Operators

Heather McIntyre

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