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Utility Tree Trimming
Utility Tree Trimming
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Utility Tree Trimming

Length: 2 day module
Does your job require you to trim trees away from power lines to achieve required limits of approach?

Would you like to learn techniques that maximize clearance objectives, trim-cycle requirements and preserve tree quality?

Utility tree trimming is designed to train utility workers such as lineman or tree trimmers to understand how to prune trees away from power lines in a manner that achieves the best possible outcome for both the trees and the power system.

Basic tree biology and modern pruning techniques with the use of gas and/or hydraulic powered chainsaws or circular saws are practiced, with hands on education and training in the techniques of notching, cutting, mismatching and controlled tree limb removal techniques.

Attendees must be previously qualified to work within proximity to power line systems, or must be cutting outside of the limits of approach. This course does not qualify workers to work within local legislated limits of approach.


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We offer public training throughout the year.
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Alberta Training Schedule

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Utility Tree Trimming

Ontario Training Schedule

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Utility Tree Trimming


I thoroughly enjoyed the Train the Trainer program. The information presented and the learning techniques were brought forward in a challenging, fun way. The course required us to step out of our comfort zone, but the rewards were fabulous. I would recommend this course for several reasons.

Arboriculture Canada Training & Education

Brad Luft

I learned about myself and the power of collective energy. I look forward to serving in this platoon but mostly I feel honored to have spent this past week with seven of the coolest trainers I've ever met.

Canadian Base Operators

Heather McIntyre

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