Dwayne Neustaeter
Lead Instructor

About Me
Dwayne Neustaeter is president, curriculum programmer and lead instructor of Arboriculture Canada Training & Education Ltd., an organization focusing on meeting the training and education needs of arborists and related industries.
Dwayne specializes in leadership/team building, program development, workbook writing and development and testing in the field. He instructs classes and seminars on safety and a wide range of skills for arborists around the world. Dwayne has over 25 years experience in the tree care and related industries, focusing on total tree care operations, instruction and competency testing. His passion is to improve safety for tree care workers and do everything he can to impart knowledge that will serve to reduce the incidents, injuries and fatalities in this industry.
Dwayne has been involved in ownership and management of businesses for over 25 years. He is passionate about helping organizations in the green industry with management issues such as: team building, standard operating procedures, occupational hazard compliance, and strengthening business practices that will serve to improve the bottom line and minimize risks. Dwayne’s dynamic presentation style will inspire and motivate business operators to go back to their businesses with renewed energy and practical action steps.
Dwayne was recently awarded the M.F. Blair Award for Exceptional Contribution to Practical Arboriculture from the International Society of Arboriculture, as well as the Arborist of the Year award by the ISA SCA Board. As a current member of the ISA BCMA Test Committee and a past member of the International Tree Climbing Competition and North American Tree Climbing Competition Committees, past-president of the ISA Prairie Chapter as well as the Society of Commercial Arboriculture and past member of multiple ISA Committee’s, he remains involved in associations and committees across North America to give back to the industry and continue learning.
(Danny currently has limited availability for instructional services)
Business & Previous Experience
President of Arboriculture Canada Training & Education Ltd. (1999 - Present)
ISA TRAQ Instructor (2013 - 2023)
Tree Climbing Competition judge & technician @ many ISA chapter TCC, ITCC, NATCC (1997 - Present)
Consultant and Expert Witness work (1995 - Present)
Member of the International Society of Arboriculture (1990 - Present)
Certified Arborist #PR-0143 (1990 - Present)
Facilitating Transformational Workshops: Group Dynamics (October, 2017 )
Professional Operator Safety Training – Altec SENTRY® Program (2007 )
Graduate of the Peak Potentials – Train the Trainer Certification Level I (October, 2006 )
Graduate of the Peak Potentials – Train the Trainer Certification Level II (June, 2008 )
President of ArborMaster Training Canada Inc. (2000 - 2005)
Faculty Member and instructor at Olds College Horticulture, Arboriculture, Landscape Gardener Instructor (1993 - 1999)
Green Drop Lawns Tree and Lawn Specialist/Crew Supervisor (1989 - 1992)
Tree Climbing Competitor (2 time Prairie Chapter Tree Climbing Champion) (1993 - 2000)
Instructor of the PVMA UTW (Professional Vegetation Managers Association) (1994 - 1998)
Landscape Gardener Journeyman Diploma (1988 - 1991)
Chainsaw Safety Instructor, Environmental Training Center, Cert.# ETC339 (2001 )
Presentations & Articles
Speaker / Instructor at ISA annual international conferences (1999 - Present)
Speaker at TCIA Expo and conference events (1999 - Present)
Speaker / seminar presenter at many ISA chapter conferences in NA (1999 - Present)
Keynote speaker at Iowa State University (March 2005 )
Speaker at the Idaho Nursery Trades Association (January 2005 )
Speaker at LANTA (Landscape Architect Nursery Trades Association) (November 2004 & 2007 )
Speaker for the New Zealand Arboriculture Association (November 2008 )
Speaker at the National Utility Arboriculture Conference – England (July 2010 )
Speaker at the ISA Norway Chapter conference (March 2015 )
Writing of articles for the following (Ongoing )
Tree Care Industry Magazine, ISA Arborist News magazine, ArborAge magazine, Prairie Arborist newsletter, The Reporter
Service & Research
Member of the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) (2016 - Present)
President of the Society of Commercial Arboriculture (SCA) (2014 - 2016)
Member of the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification Panel of Experts (2010 - 2013)
North American Tree Climbing Competition – Operations Committee (2013 - 2016)
International Tree Climbing Competition - Operations Chair (2013 - 2016)
Committee member of the ITCC Technical Advisory Committee (2011 - Present)
Technical Advisor for the NATCC (North American Tree Climbing Competition) (2011 - Present)
Committee member of the ISA International Safety Committee (2001 - 2008 & 2011 )
Board member on the Society of Commercial Arboriculture board (SCA) (2007 - Present)
Founding member of the Alberta Arborist Industry Safety Committee (2001 - Present)
Head judge of the Rescue Event at the ITCC (2006 - 2012)
Participant in the International Arborist Trainers Forum (2007 - Present)
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification Panel of Experts committee member (2008 - 2013)
Volunteer Chainsaw Instructor - Outdoor Women’s Program with the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association. (2009 )
Canadian rep on International Tree Climbing Competition rules committee (2006 - 2009)
Canadian representative on the International Society of Alberta Certification Board (2005 - 2009)
Past President of the ISA Prairie Chapter (2005 - 2007)
President of ISA Prairie Chapter (2003 - 2005)
Contributor in “The Brown Bat” research project, Univ. of Regina (2006 )
Contributor in “The state of arborist rescue in America” – research project (2005 )
Member of the ISA Certified Arborist Test Committee (1996 - 2001)
Certification Liaison for the ISA Prairie Chapter (1995 - 2003)
Member of the Alberta Arborist Safe Work Practices Committee (2001 - 2010)
Award of Distinction – M.F. Blair Award for Exceptional Contribution to Practical Arboriculture – International Society of Arboriculture (2019 )
ISA SCA Arborist of the Year (2018 )
ISA Ontario Maple Leaf Award (2016 )
ISA Recognition Award for the advancement of the tree care profession (2001 )