The Women’s Arboriculture Conference is a unique experience as it is an inter-disciplinary forum addressing trees, their place in our world and our relationship with them. Speakers and delegates who are arborists, foresters, horticulturalists, landscape architects and designers, land planners and managers, and master gardeners are meeting with the shared purpose of discussing and problem-solving tree-related issues.
When: Mar. 5 – 7, 2014
What: The Women’s Arboriculture Conference provides a venue where women speakers, under represented at industry conferences, who are expert in their fields, provide solid technical, management, and policy information, creating an interdisciplinary environment where professionals can expand their viewpoints and make lasting, productive connections.
Where: The 2014 Conference will be heldat Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa
Arboriculture Canada is proud to sponsor and support this event.